VoiceOver.biz is the official professional voice talent directory of the World-Voices Organization (WoVO).
The voice actors listed on this site are the best in the business.
They have proven they have the talent, skill, experience, voice over gear and technical facilities to be considered professionals.
How To Use voiceover.biz
VoiceOver.biz is the official professional voice talent directory of the World-Voices Organization (WoVO).
- Find a professional voice actor to work on your project
- Browse our members’ demos in different categories to find the perfect talent for your project
- Communication and final negotiation between you and the talent is private
- In the interest of maintaining a high professional standard for our members, projects proposed here must meet a minimum budget requirement of $250 for corporate/industrial recordings, and be fair market rate for TV or Radio depending on broadcast coverage and cycle length.
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What is WoVO?
WoVO is the industry association of freelance voice talent. WoVO’s professional members have undergone rigorous peer review and are vetted as professional voice actors. They can provide exactly what you require in the many different genres of material requiring a professional voice. Members of World-Voices are both union and non-union.
For more information on why the members of World-Voices should be your first choice for your project, visit our association’s website, world-voices.org.
The Voiceover.biz platform is the result of a collaboration between WoVO and Voice Actor Websites.